The effect of office layout on work productivity
The average full-time employee works over 1,600 hours a year. Many of these work activities are likely to take place in the office. This makes us think about how our work environment affects people; This topic is included in the study of decoration and office design, choosing adjustable desks, modern office chairs, up-to-date designs and access to new technologies and the like.
- What is office design?
- Office design and productivity
- Office design and business goals
- What is office design?
What is office design?
In short, office design is creating a space that facilitates the work process. Designing a good office creates a platform for creativity and optimal performance of tasks and work activities.
Office design is probably not the first thing you think of when it comes to business and office furnishing, but design has a huge impact on workplace behavior. The environment in which you work has a significant impact on the successful performance and achievement of the goals of a business.
Think about the workplace you are currently working in; Are you just a guest or an observer or do you really feel that you are integrated with it and a part of that space? If you feel like a guest, you'll personalize your desk less, which means you'll be less able to focus, feel uncomfortable, and unable to put your full effort into doing something.
On the other hand, if you feel like you belong in this workspace or that office, you will feel more balanced and ready to do your work in a more fluid way.
When was the last time you were so engrossed in your work that time flew by without you noticing?
There are factors related to office interior design that help create a positive work environment and increase employee productivity, including: light, color, plants, furniture, artistic creativity, and finally office environment design.
In fact, with the proper design of the office environment, you will meet the needs of your employees, and at the same time, you will help your work team progress in order to achieve business goals.
Why is workplace design important?
Physical work spaces affect a wide range of factors, including physical and mental health, employee ethics and behavior, creativity, cooperation with others, work productivity, and the quality of achieving goals.
• Office design and productivity:
Poorly designed workspaces can have a negative impact on work processes. Many professionals indicate that their current workspace has had a huge impact on their productivity. With a good office design, you can increase the level of productivity in your team by improving the work environment.
• Office design and business goals:
Goals to achieve are a very strong motivator and can be encouraged through the design of offices or other work spaces.
Balancing shared business goals with individual activities, balancing individual and collective needs or sense of belonging and need for independence. Recognizing the ambiguities in today's office coworking allows companies to identify and shape what kind of environment is right for them. (Sam Grave, Herman Miller Global Brand Manager)
Think about it: the less time you spend thinking about your work environment, the more time you spend working and feeling fulfilled. Great workplace design improves mental health and makes it easier to focus on work.
The less time you spend thinking about your work environment, the more time you spend working and feeling fulfilled.
Before starting to design the work environment, try to plan everything as much as possible; Before considering the design of your office and therefore your workspace, think about what you want to achieve. What challenges does your team face? How can the space meet the needs of the people who work with you and how does it change their mindset and the way they work?
Observe how your employees, colleagues, suppliers and customers use the current space and think about how your office should evolve.
Prepare a survey to understand how employees work and the activities that occur in each individual and shared space. Then review the results to determine next steps.
Remember that sometimes what employees want is not necessarily what they need. You may not be able to meet all the demands of your employees; But the whole team needs to feel involved in the process and feel heard.
Get to know the personalities and different working styles of your employees:
Some people need quiet spaces, others need collaborative spaces to collaborate with their colleagues. It is better to create a balanced workplace as one of your plans.
Think rooms with whiteboards, conference tables, and natural light for dynamic meetings, as well as nooks and crannies for those who like to be less visible. Compare open workstation options with more closed personal workspaces.
Determine your budget for office design:
When you plan the design (or renovation) of your office, you should have a reasonable idea of what you should spend and where you should spend it, and act accordingly to design, furnish the office, and buy office furniture.
Depending on your budget, you may need to prioritize only some essential office supplies and furniture for a while. Start with the most important needs and gradually add the rest. To learn how to choose and buy office furniture and desks, you can read the following articles.
Key tips for choosing the right office furniture
selecting furniture that fits your work and living space

Office design and decorative stimuli:
We are all programmed by nature to respond to certain stimuli. As you design your new space, with people's biological and social talents Work with those who make up your administrative team, not against them. For example, paying attention to the following factors can be a very good idea for office design:
1. Have efficient lighting in office design:
Lighting is one of the most important factors in creating an optimal office design. Light affects many aspects of work life. From productivity to mental health and workplace safety, knowing what kind of office lighting is right for a particular space can make all the difference.
Natural light is an integral factor in regulating the circadian rhythm of the body and improves the mood of employees. Warm light can be more relaxing and attractive. while cooler light can reduce fatigue and encourage cooperation.
2. The importance of colors in decoration and office design:
The color of the environment can change our mood and create different physical reactions in people. Soft and pale colors have a different effect than strong and energetic colors. Natural colors like green and blue can improve efficiency and focus, while warmer colors can stimulate thinking and creativity.
Think about what kind of work is being done in each space. Use the right color and combine it with your company logo.
3. The importance of the presence of plants in the work environment:
Having plants in the office is a surprisingly powerful way to improve the workspace. Plants reduce stress, clean the air and even help reduce noise levels. To read more about the consequences of the presence of plants in the office environment, read the article The miracle of flowers and plants at work.
4. Allow employees to personalize their workspace in the office:
People are more productive when they can take some of their supplies with them to the office. This applies to office decor, clothes, and even office tools and objects. Increase empathy in the workplace by inviting them to bring their personality to your workplace.
If you have experience in office design or office decoration, share with us in the comments section.
The purpose of office space design and office decoration design is to create a space that facilitates the work process. Designing a good office creates a platform for creativity and optimal performance of tasks and work activities.
Physical work spaces affect a wide range of factors, including physical and mental health, employee ethics and behavior, creativity, cooperation with others, work productivity, and the quality of achieving goals.
Office decoration can be designed in different styles, including classic, modern, minimal, hi-tech and similar styles. To read more, you can refer to the article on practical styles of interior decoration for office space.